Contact Consumer Protection

Last updated: 16 December 2024

Consumer Protection can provide information on a variety of topics including tenancy, consumer rights, fair trading, buying and selling property, scams, licences and registrations and running a not-for-profit organisation. See the What Consumer Protection does page for more information. Full contact details for particular services are listed below.

Our main office location is:

Gordon Stephenson House
140 William Street

Visitors and Consumers (Customers) can access Level 2 reception from Lift H in the main 140 William St Foyer (next to the security desk). The old public lifts (from Railway Lane) are no longer accessible by the public.

Need to submit a payment?

Please note our Perth cashier service has relocated to our Cannington office.

Regional offices still accept payments. More information on licensing is available on the licensing and registration page.

Consumer Protection Contact Centre

Consumer Protection's Contact Centre provides "on-the-spot" information, advice and assistance about general issues in the marketplace, particularly consumer and trader rights and responsibilities. Callers who require more specific advice or information are transferred to other areas of Consumer Protection, or are redirected to external agencies. Support is also available for consumers with special needs due to a hearing impairment, or for those who require the assistance of an interpreter.

Contact Centre business hours are: Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm. Thurs (late opening) 9.00am to 4.30pm


  • 1300 30 40 54 from anywhere in WA for the cost of a local call
  • 13 36 77 National Relay Service (for the hearing impaired)
  • 13 14 50 Interpreter Service
  • +61 8 6251 2969 for International callers



Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Locked Bag 100

If you have a query about a specific issue, you may want to contact one of the below branches.

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