Don't feel pressured into buying or signing anything - you can walk away from sales people who make you feel uncomfortable. Take a look at our new song produced and performed by Bryte MC (feat Ms Shea).
It's Ok to walk away, by Bryte MC (feat Ms Shea)
Many consumers in Aboriginal communities located in urban, regional and remote areas to need to be empowered to resist high-pressure sales tactics. Disadvantaged because of geographical isolation, limited choice and competition, English being a second language and financial illiteracy makes them easy targets for dodgy salespeople.
Reports show vulnerable consumers have signed contracts without realising what they’ve signed up for. This means they are locked in to a unaffordable payment plan for goods and services they don’t really need or want.
If you are thinking of buying something, or if someone approaches you uninvited or at the shops, in your community through door knocking or on the phone, it’s important to know your consumer rights beforehand to avoid making purchases or signing a contract you may later regret.
Below are some tips to give you and you’re community the confidence to reject unwanted high pressure sales proposals and help to avoid being a target for dodgy salespersons and traders.
- First of all, remember, It’s OK to walk away, hang up the phone or ask the sales person to leave. Resisting these high pressure sales tactics is a combination of knowing what you want before purchasing anything and knowing how to identify and counteract these sales methods. You can avoid the hard sell in the first place by doing the following:
- Protect yourselves up-front by putting up a ‘Do Not Knock’ sticker on your front door or out the front of your community, as salespeople who ignore this request are breaking the law and may face a fine;
- Get your phone numbers on the ‘Do Not Call’ register;
- Make an informed decision by getting all the details before you sign, rather than signing and reading it later. If you are feeling anxious or don’t know what to say, walk away; and
- For extra guidance, download the ACCC Shopper app to your phone and you can also save your receipts in the app.
- Look out for high pressure sales tactics like:
- The freebie – a free offer you might pay for later.
- The chatty person – the more you talk with the salesperson they will persuade you.
- The new best friend – you don’t owe anything, even if they spent lots of time, they’re not your mate.
- The complainer – you have the right to ask questions and compare, even if you don’t want to buy.
- The manipulator – can get to your emotions and make you feel guilty or shame.
- The creep – pay attention to your gut, if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.
- Finally, speak up when things go wrong – there are consumer laws that protect you.
- Take extra care when signing a contract
- If you are not sure about something, you can get someone to explain it to you.
- If you don’t understand it, don’t sign it.
- Check if there is a cooling-off period.
If a salesperson won’t leave you alone contact our Consumer Protection contact centre or lodge a complaint.

It's OK to walk away poster
Download the poster to help consumers be confident against high pressure sales tactics.